Hanna Khromykh
Product Designer
UX Designer
Spring 2022
The Kunst Museum app is a platform that enriches the museum experience and extends it far beyond its physical walls, bringing Dutch art history to a global audience.

Boring Learning...

Art history education often feels like staring at a blank canvas—tedious, uninspiring, and, frankly, a bit dull. Many people, not just art students, desire cultural knowledge but find traditional methods lacking excitement.

Imagine wanting to explore Vermeer over a latte, not nodding off in a lecture hall. This is the reality faced by those seeking to broaden their horizons outside of museums.

The challenge lies in transforming this lackluster experience into an engaging journey of discovery.

What Lies Beneath
the Surface?

Research Method: Qualitative (in-depth interviews) & Quantitative (online survey).
Participants: Art enthusiasts. 8 interviewees & 17 survey respondents.
Key Insights: Challenges in finding reliable information, staying engaged; preference for reading articles, interest in personalised recommendations, and motivation driven by personal interest and academic requirements.
What are the main challenges you face when trying to learn about art history outside of a museum or formal education setting?
Struggle with staying engaged and motivated
Difficulty finding reliable information
Find it challenging to understand complex concepts
Lack access to personalised learning resources
What motivates you to learn about art history?
40% Personal interest
30% Academic pursuits
20% Cultural enrichment
10% Career development
How do you prefer to learn?
45% Reading articles or books
25% Audio/video formats
25% interactive experiences
5% A combination of reading & audio
What features or aspects would enhance your experience in an art history app?
45% Personalised recommendations
25% Quizzes & challenges
15% Curated collections (artists, periods)
10% Wide range of topics

Chunk, Chunk It Up!

Our short-term memory has a limited capacity of taking in information and retaining in the memory storage. However, this can be enhanced by various memory techniques, especially dividing the  information  into  smaller  chunks, so called "chunking method" in didactics (K. Moran, 2016).

In addition, research suggests that chunking can be particularly beneficial for individuals with ADHD (R. Harlin & V. Brown, 2009).

Supported by this approach, Kunst Museum offers short, topic-based courses with bite-sized articles and quizzes, turning that learning experience into a piece of cake.
Memory Retention
By focusing on one topic or concept at a time, users can better absorb and comprehend the material.
Enhanced Focus
Concentrating on smaller units of information is less overwhelming and leads to improved attention and comprehension.
Learning Progression
Learners can navigate through the material systematically, completing one segment at a time and building upon their knowledge gradually.
Adaptive Experience
Chunking allows learners to choose the order in which they engage with content, revisiting challenging topics or exploring areas of interest at their own pace.

What Could Be Done Better?

Usability Testing Method: Scenario-based.
Participants: 8 art enthusiasts (potential users).
Key Insights: Enhanced search functionality; preferably an option to listen to articles; bookmarking for saving courses; incorporation of engaging content on the homepage alongside course listings.
Listening Options
Some participants preferred having audio content option, especially when they were on the go or multitasking.
Enhanced Search
Ability to search for courses based on specific learning goals was mentioned as useful by some participants (e.g. by time period, genre, artist, or other criteria).
Engaging Homepage
Participants suggested that the homepage should not only display courses but also feature engaging content related to art history.
Bookmarking Feature
Users found it challenging to remember and revisit content they found interesting or valuable.

Home Screen

The Kunst Museum home screen serves as a stylish gateway to a world of art exploration by providing:

★ Personalised course recommendations;

★ Tidbits such as "Did you know?" and "Artwork of the Day";

★ Access to upcoming museum event.


Users have the flexibility to explore courses based on their preferences:

★ by period;

★ by art movement;

★ by artists;

★ by art genre.


Users can save courses for future reference, whether they want to start a course later or revisit valuable content.

Audio Mode

The app offers users to choose between reading or listening to articles within courses. This audio option caters to different learning preferences, allowing users to absorb art history content in a way that suits them best.


Every article includes a quiz or multiple quizzes to reinforce understanding and make the learning process interactive and engaging.


1. K. Moran, 2016. How Chunking Helps Content Processing.
2. R. Harlin & V. Brown, 2009. Individuals with ADHD Lost in Hyperspace.
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